All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking …

MaxWave Technology

Products and Services

Pre-Complience Testing Services:It is known that “systems must be designed to be compatible with their external natural, induced, or man‐made electromagnetic environment. Electromagnetic (EM) compatibility (EMC) of a system, sub-system or equipment is the ability to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment”. EMC testing is required to prepare products for full compliance testing and final certification to meet specific standards. The applications of EMC testing to a number of industry and government sectors (e.g. transport, space, medical, agriculture, manufacturing, safety, etc. ) are explained in more detail in the following section. EMC testing includes EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) and EMS (Electromagnetic Susceptibility). Both conducted and radiated emissions are important. Depending on the product type or compliance regions, the test requirements and pass or fail criteria is defined. Some compliance regions only require emissions testing (emitted EMI) while other markets require immunity testing (susceptibility from EMI and transient effects).


Our EMC Workshop Subjects:
  • Fundamentals of EMI (Electromagnetic theory)
  • EMI standards for industrial equipment
  • EMI/EMC mechanisms
  • Reducing system susceptibility to EMI
  • A review of shielding concepts
  • PCB design guidelines for reduced EMI
  • EMC component selection
  • From the failure reason to find solution options
  • Measurement techniques
  • Testing equipment
  • Measurement setup
  • Testing procedures


Our EMC Services Include :
  • Comprehensive EMC Assessments: Conducting detailed measurements and tests to pinpoint potential electromagnetic interference sources.
  • Pre-compliance Standards Adherence: Ensuring strict alignment with EMC standards to establish a robust foundation for regulatory approvals.
  • Issue Identification and Prioritization: Strategically pinpointing and prioritizing EMC issues, focusing efforts on critical areas that impact product performance.
  • Collaborative Problem Solving: Actively engaging with our customers in a joint effort to collaboratively develop and implement effective solutions.