All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking …

MaxWave Technology

Case Studies

  • In 2023, the MWT team conducted comprehensive EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) workshops to train over 20 members of the Breville company across various teams, including the Electronic Team, Quality Team, and Mechanic Team. The training covered EMI/EMC compliance testing from basic theory to implementation, tailored for home appliance products. EMC testing is required to prepare products for full compliance testing and final certification to meet specific standards.
    Feedback from the Breville Senior Electronics Engineer
  • “Appreciated your great work to provide us valuable knowledge from fundamental EMC noise generation to PCB track layout method & component selection, also practical method to identify EMC noise base frequency & how to shift the problem frequency to meet standard requirements, basing on our special request of home appliance products. Your summary of EMC standard guide and related EMC standard test setting is a good tool for our team to reference in our future work.Myself benefits a lot from this training and trust our team has the same thought. It is very pleasant experience to have you coming to our office for this training seminar.”